There is hope.
It's not too late!
You still have time to
save your marriage!

Retrouvaille is a volunteer peer ministry. Nobody in this ministry is paid for their time spent working to heal marriages. 

Couples wishing to participate in this programme pay a non-refundable registration fee of $200.  Once this registration fee is paid, no couple is turned away if they cannot meet any additional costs.

A free-will offering is taken on the Sunday of the weekend to cover the total cost for the weekend programme, materials, the POSTs sessions and all associated expenses.  These costs amount to approximately $850/couple. The free will offering is totally voluntary, and is collected in confidence. For your convenience, Cash, Cheques, etransfer, and Credit Cards are accepted.

A tax receipt is issued for donations in support of the programme.

As soon as a couple is registered, arrangements are made with the venue for food and accommodations, and the costs are incurred by Retrouvaille Calgary.  

Retrouvaille is a non-profit, unsponsored organization.  It is only through the generosity of participating couples which enables us to offer this program.

Copyright © Retrouvaille Calgary. All rights reserved.
Next Weekend: September 5 - 7, 2025        
Questions and Information?  Phone (403) 276-4647