Couples frequently request resources to help their marriages before they can get to the Retrouvaille program. These are a good start:
Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman
Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like
Spaghetti, Bill and Pam Farrel
Love and Respect, Emerson Eggerichs
Love is a Decision, Gary Smalley
Family Ties That Bind Dr. RW Richardson
CDs or DVDs:
Love and Respect, Henry Shore, Centre Street Church
Keys to a Loving Relationship, Gary Smalley
Marriage relationships are always changing and in order for the relationship to grow, it needs to be fed and nurtured. This can only be done with work and education as to the dynamics of the marriage relationship.
Fireproof, the movie surpassed all expectations and became the top-grossing independent film of 2008, earning more than 30 million dollars! But more important than what it did at the box office is what the film has done for hundred of marriages across the country. Look no further than the Fireproof website to read the stories of men and women who have experienced total transformation in their marriages.